Friday, 3 July 2009

Blog has moved

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Summer in the City

It's hard to believe, but yes, we had more than 20 degrees for well over a week now. One might actually be tempted to call it a trend. The English are so funny, they are forever complaining about their lot in life concerning the "never-ending" rain, however, as soon as there is about 2 seconds of sunshine and it might actually get hot, then they are complaining about the heat and hoping for rain. I find that rather amusing.

I am usually not one for the heat, but for some odd reason I find it rather pleasant this year. Have to admit though that staying in the garden or house is a huge part of it, I don't know how I would feel if I were sat in an office all day and expected to deliver results. The great thing about working from home in the evening is, that you can strip down to your underwear and switch the fan on! Yay for working from home, there must be some advantages to killer long days!

My daughter just wanted to come in from the garden as it was too hot for her... bless her. And she is now contented lounging on the sofa watching some mid-day telly, while I write this post and then do some housework.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Cat mockery

Last night, my cat Buxton was just mocking me as he was sleeping on our bed, cavorting around, grooming himself, dozing... It was as he if tried to tell me while I worked: Look at me, I've got the life! Oh yes, my boy, you've got the life!

We have three cats. We started off with one cat, Amber, a nutcase of a cat who only ever lived in a flat, when she came to us, we were told she is 9... we think she might have been older. That was 5 years ago.

Then we got Buxton, for my husband it was love at first sight. Buxton loves our elderly neighbour more though and spends most of his time there, we just cannot compete with the freshly cooked chicken, ham, tuna and salmon... Whiskas only here!

Then we got Tiggles, which was love at first sight for me. She is a fluffy ginger cat, the best cat in the world really. She is loyal like a dog, she waits for us in the window if we go out. She knows when you are sad and will sit opposite you and give you this cat look.

I love them all three, they are very different characters and I sincerely hope that in my next life I will be reborn as one of my cats with an "owner" like me.