Tuesday, 2 June 2009


... is just a number, that's what a dear friend of mine keeps telling me. At 36 I often have moments, where I feel old and since being a mother brings its fair share of tiredness too, the feeling of being old increases the less hours of sleep you had.

Then, however, there are those moments, when I see someone on TV, my age, and think: "Gosh, I don't look that old..." or "I hope I never will 'be' as old as that person is...".

I often look at age like something, that will limit me in doing the stuff I want to do. Like for e.g. going on about, that it is too late to do another degree (history) or that certain experiences are unobtainable due to my age. Sometimes it's tinged with a hint of regret, but I am a pragmatist at heart and tend to move on fairly swift.

And then you come across a blog that is truly fascinating... An 89-year-old woman, soon to be 90, blogs about her life, past and present and it is truly wonderful... so much joy, so much to tell - might not agree with all her views, but then I often don't but still find the person interesting...

Check it out, Svensto's blog.

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